When it comes to the ins and outs of all things Wakefield Country Day School, it's safe to say Margaret DiDomenico knows a thing or two. Mrs. DiDomenico(or Mrs. D as many fondly call her) began her teaching career at WCDS after graduating from George Mason University, and 16 years later, she is thrilled to take on a new role as Assistant Head of School. Joining WCDS in 2005, DiDomenico taught middle school English and continues to do so after all these years, "I love this age group," she says, "the middle school years can be challenging. The students aren't little kids anymore and aren't full-on teenagers either. It can be tricky to navigate, and I love being someone who can help influence and guide them in the right direction. To teach this age group, you must have a good sense of humor."
After three years as a teacher, she got promoted to Dean under the leadership of the Head of School, Jessica Lindstrom. DiDomenico loves being in the classroom, "My mom was a Middle School teacher, and her passion and determination to help students was something I always admired," says DiDomenico when asked what attracted her to a career in education. Regarding her leadership style, she says, "I think it is important to be forward-thinking, strike the right balance between maintaining a warm, approachable presence, and be a clear, decisive leader."
Get to know Mrs. DiDomenico a bit more with the Q+A below!
Favorite WCDS tradition?
It is challenging to pick just one tradition so I will offer up my top three. I love our holiday revels, the Medieval Banquet, and Field Day. I love how the entire student body gets so excited about these events.
What book have you given the most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
My favorite book is The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. It is also the book I have gifted the most to people. My dad gave me this book in high school, and it has been my favorite ever since.
Random things:
I love animals and foster cats, and I have a fantasy football team . I love football, basketball, and hockey. I play disc golf and have an 18-hole course on my property. The best concert I ever attended was seeing Brandi Carlile at Red Rocks.