Through our various clubs and activities, students have the opportunity to pursue a variety of interests and find ways to shine outside of the classroom. In middle and upper school, students take on new leadership opportunities within their respective clubs to further their passions.
Beyond meeting regularly in their club periods, students travel across Virginia and the United States to participate in several of our competing teams in a variety of academic fields, including Quiz Bowl and Certamen (Latin & Greek quiz bowl). Our interest-based clubs also lead events both in and outside the classroom, from volunteering with the Rappahannock Lions in Leo Club to meeting with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in D.C. in Wildlife Conservation Club.
Lower School
- Gardening
- Arts and Crafts
- Chess
- Yoga
- Classics Club
- German Club
- Cheer Squad
Middle School
- Archery
- Drama
- Creative Writing
- Guitar
- Fishing
- Gardening
- Certamen Team
- Latin Club
- Robotics
- History Bowl
- Rocketry
- Classics Club
- Chinese Culture Club
Upper School
- Leo Club
- Quiz Bowl
- Certamen
- International Culture Club
- Wildlife Conservation Club
- Pep Club
- Game Development Club
- Student Government
- Chess Club
- Investment Club

More Information of Each Division: